This is the first time that I've even considered dancing with the public since this whole thing started in March. I have a healthy fear of Covid-19 and have no wish to contract or give this thing to anyone else. I've been lucky enough to have prerecorded, and live stream dance jobs but this was new territory for me.
Last Sunday, I taught part of a dance from 1858 called The Harvest Dance. The theme of the event was home and harvest and I chose this particular dance because the first part requires no hand holding. I added a dosey doe and progression, for the head couple, to finish off the dance.
As the public came outside, I gestured for them to walk to their places. I placed everyone about eight feet apart and made sure they were all wearing masks, per the museum's requirement. It was wonderful to see the children's smiling faces and hear the words of thanks from parents. I could see that everyone was happy to be back at the museum and enjoying history again.
So, this is the way I will proceed. I have high hopes that we will be out of the woods next year and can return to dancing pre-pandemic. Stay safe everyone and I hope to see you all soon.